Morning, Mama!

I help discouraged moms reclaim their peace through the power of God and the tools of psychology.

I’m Brittany

More to my story…

Three years ago, God called me into the unknown when He asked me to start the Morning Mama Podcast after a miscarriage turned my life upside down.

Though I had been a Christian my whole life, in that season of my miscarriage I experienced God in a way that I never had before. I experienced hearing His voice and His healing power (Listen to the whole story in Episode 2)! I developed a fire inside me to tell the world about His goodness! I was determined to spread the good new of Jesus wherever I went (watch out Trader Joe’s!)

Then Covid hit. I was SO sad because I had plans of inviting the childcare workers at the gym to Easter Sunday. With God’s leading, I took my fire and started a blog which eventually lead to a podcast (blogs are NO joke…). NEVER in my life would I have ever considered such a thing because I usually like to hide behind the scenes, but God had other plans.

Now, I look back over the course of my life and can see how He has been weaving my story together through decades of depression, anxiety, and a deep sense of inadequacy (hence why I wanted to stay hidden) all so I could know how to be there for YOU.

I GET the overwhelming feelings when you don’t know where to turn, where you don’t know how to make the pain stop. When you aren’t sure if things will ever change.

I’ve been there.

Now I get to use my background as a therapist, alongside the power of God that I have encountered, to help you in the places you feel hopeless. It is my greatest honor to get to walk out this journey with you and help you step into the life you were created to live.

Thank you for inviting me into your story, I hope I get the chance to hear it. (Join me in the Academy and I will!)

Love you, Mama.


woman in blue sitting on stairs
  • Restoration Therapy Level II Certified

    MFT Consortium Stipend Recipient

    Seeking Safety Certified

    Certified Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist, Jump Start MHA Fellowship

  • Fuller Theological Seminary 2016, Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy

    Vanguard University of Southern California 2009, Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology

  • Two Wings Life Coach Training

    Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Christian Mental Health Coach

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