Motherhood doesn’t have to steal your peace.

Let me show you how.

Join me on a 12 Week Group Coaching Journey for moms who are ready to heal through the power of God and the tools of psychology.

girl on couch with coffee

If you’re struggling with anxiety, anger, or discouragement in this season, you are not alone.

Are you struggling with yelling at your kids and husband?

Are you worried about impacting your kids negatively?

Are you exhausted feeling like your efforts are never enough?

Do you feel overwhelmed, having little to no time for yourself?

Peace is possible, no matter what is happening around you.

Here’s how…

graphic of head and brain

The anger, anxiety, and overwhelm you feel doesn’t have to control you. In the Pain to Peace Academy you will learn how to use Restoration Theory and the word of God so that you can let go of old patterns of thinking and behaving and make new pathways to become the peaceful woman you were made to be.


graphic of happy mom holding up baby


Often the biggest thing that can steal our peace are challenging relationships. Whether you are struggling with your relationship with your kids, husband, or in-laws, the solutions are the same. You will learn how to stay calm, set boundaries, and fight for intimacy so you can craft healthy relationships and a life of thriving.

graphic of two hands together


Peace is found when we know how to be ok even when everything around us is not ok. In this world we WILL face trials, so learning how to allow these challenges to grow us instead of take us down changes everything. Through our time together you will have the opportunity to deepen your faith so you can experience the peace God promises.


Pain to Peace

pain to peace academy workbook on ipad

Hey Mama! I’m Brittany

I know you want to be an peaceful and confident mom, the kind who handles life's ups and downs with grace and strength. In order to do that, you need to have a deep relationship with God, have healthy relationships, and know how to be ok even when everything around you is not.

The problem is that you're so focused on caring for your family that you neglect truly caring for your own well-being. This can leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and alone in your struggles.

As a child of God you have a right to peace! That means no matter what is happening around you, peace is accessible. Sometimes though we just don’t know how to access it.

That’s why I took my experience as a licensed therapist and for the past 3 years made it my mission to guide moms like you through a journey of healing and personal growth.

Here’s how my approach is unique:

Tools of Neuropsychology: Get ready to re-wire your brain! I use Restoration Theory to help you learn how to self regulate (aka stay calm and connected even when the other person is not). I help you create a simple map to understand why you’re feeling and acting in ways you don’t want to be and how to change it.

Biblical Lens: Psychology is great, but Jesus is the only one who truly heals. As we dive in together we are going to view everything through the lens of God’s word and invite Him in to change our lives in a way only He can.

Mom that Gets It: I am right in the thick of motherhood with you. The struggles that you face on a daily basis are the same ones I am facing. This gives me a special ability to empathize with you and help you navigate this season.

vein diagram: neuroscience, mom of littles, Biblical knowledge

If you want to know how to apply God’s word and the tools of psychology to your life in order to reclaim your peace, come join me in the Pain to Peace Academy!

10 Years as a Therapist + Coach

15 Years as a Church Leader + Mentor

125+ Clients Served

From Pain to Peace in 12 Weeks

Here’s How it Works

  • Pain to Peace Academy is a 12 week Group Coaching Journey for moms who are ready to heal with the power of God and the tools of psychology.

  • During the 12 Weeks you will:

    • Attend weekly 90 minute group coaching calls and get individualized insight on your journey of healing

    • Complete video and workbook curriculum to learn and apply Restoration Theory alongside other spiritual and relational tools

    • Be placed in a small group with other moms who are in the same season

  • The tools, insight, and experiences you will gain from these 12 weeks will equip you to know how to come back to a place of peace no matter what is going on around you.

kind words

kind words

kind words

“Hands down, this is one of the

best decisions of my life”

“This program was one of the best investments I've ever made! Restoration Theory has been incredibly life changing for me and my entire family. Honestly I would have paid twice the amount for the benefit I got out of it. Every mama who's struggling to move forward in growth needs to go through this program!” 


“This program was one of the

best investments I’ve ever made”

“Making the decision to invest my time and resources to work with Brittany in the Academy is hands down one of the best decisions of my life. It has been challenging at times, but the spiritual and emotional transformation I am experiencing as I work through the academy material is truly incredible and something that others close to me have noticed. I am building an incredible toolbox that I will carry with me through the rest of my life


Don’t let anxiety and discouragement color your motherhood.

Together, we'll navigate the complexities of this season to help you craft a life of peace.

girl smiling behind computer




90 Minute Weekly Group Coaching Calls

You will be assigned a day for the duration of the program. Call time options are on Tuesday evening at 5:30 PST or Thursday afternoons at 12:30PST. ***Time selections are first come, first serve.


Your learning will take place on your own time through video and a workbook teaching and application. In order to see the greatest life change you will need to dedicate 2-3 hours a week to homework.


You will be placed in a small group of other moms just like you, this will be your group for the duration of the program. You will be give opportunities to complete discussions and assignments together in order to deepen learning and build community.

Now Accepting Applications for Fall

Join the Pain to Peace Academy and take the first step towards becoming the peaceful, present, and empowered mom were made to be.

Ready to Reclaim Your Peace?

  • 12 Weeks of LIVE Group Coaching

  • Pain to Peace Course and Printable Workbook

  • Small Group Engagement Opportunities

  • Private Online Community and Support

When you join, you get…